10 Chalet Hill, Bordon

Holloway Iliffe & Mitchell are pleased to announce the letting of Town Centre offices in Bordon to local solicitors Gellhorns.

Holloway Iliffe & Mitchell are pleased to announce the letting of Town Centre offices in Bordon to local solicitors Gellhorns.

Stuart Mitchell reports:

“The property is located close to the main A325 route running through Bordon and adjacent to other commercial users in the main part of the town.  The property came with an abundant amount of parking which appealed to many applicants.”

The expansion of Gellhorns, necessitated further offices and hence the letting to them.

Tim Rose from Gellhorns quoted:

“ With the impending expansion of Bordon and the planned Green Town development, activity in Bordon is on the increase. The additional premises will allow us to expand and cater for the needs of our growing community“

The continued volume of transactions in the office market is a positive indication that the market has improved over the last period and we look forward to continued confidence and activity in this sector.

For further information on commercial property contact Holloway Iliffe & Mitchell – info@hi-m.co.uk.

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Simply call us on 023 9237 7800 or send us an email to info@hi-m.co.uk.

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